They say more things under the "things to know" header, but I want to talk about these two points--the first thing they want to know is that they're ragingly biphobic while claiming to be for all women who like women, and listing a variety of specific identities. Monosexists, please give me my non-monosexual labels back. It's only polite to abstain from using them if you're going to reject people actually expressing behavior common to those sexual identities.***THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU APPLY TO JOIN US***- For the time being, this group is ONLY open to gay/bi/pan/poly/queer and transwomen who like females. IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY MARRIED TO A MAN, there is a good chance that this group IS NOT a good fit for you (however, special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis). Please respect this, and if you are looking for a fun group for women of all orientations, you should check out some of the other awesome local women's groups on Meetup! Some examples include: Sex in the Salt Lake City (Women's Social Club) or theLadies Drinking Society of Utah and many many more!-WE ARE NOT A DATING SITE! If you are looking for romance, a better option would beOkCupid or any of the other dating services available on this big ol' internet of ours. That said, if you happen to meet someone you like then that is great, but it's definitely not our focus here.
They're really effective at erasing non-monosexual identities right after listing them--they say, "if you are looking for a fun group for women of all orientations" and I stop breathing for a moment the insult is so outrageous. They just said they were a group including bisexuals and pansexuals. So far all they've objected to is someone marital status + gender of their partner. NOW THEY'RE IMPLYING THAT YOU AREN'T BI, PAN, OR QUEER IF YOU MARRIED A MAN. Someone's orientation doesn't go away when they get married. (This is even funnier given that they listed "poly", which often means polyamorous, among their included identities list. The list they're using to justify excluding non-monosexual women.)
And maybe this is just awkward wording, but it also seems like they're erasing transwomen's sexual orientations or gender identities, too, given that they list "and transwomen who like women" as separate from a reasonably exhaustive list of orientations. Do they think there are trans but not cis women who like women but don't identify as anything already in the list?
The second thing they want you to know is that the first problem is sheerly one of prejudice--they're not a dating site, so you being married to a man should be 100% irrelevant.
Salt Lake City Rainbow Girls Social Club, you're erasing queer identities, cutting non-monosexuals off from their community, and co-opting their identities in your slimy self-justification. What you're saying is, "It's okay if you're bi/pan/queer/poly, as long as you act gay." And I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, that this is based on trouble with one or more past members--in which case, what you're saying is, "Non-monosexuals are a lesser group and it's okay to stereotype and reject them and get them to beg to be forgiven for things they didn't do on a 'case-by-case basis'".
I suspect you think that bisexuals just have straight privilege, and, hey, a bisexual married to someone of "the opposite sex" probably does have some forms of straight privilege. But bisexuals have higher rates of poverty, worse health, and greater likelihood of having experienced intimate partner abuse than monosexual gay people. By a long shot.
I'll repeat the links from this post:
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